Wishes Corner Privacy Policy

Effective Date: July 1, 2024


This policy discloses the privacy practices for Wishes Corner. By visiting Wishes Corner, you are accepting the practices described herein. Because Wishes Corner wants to demonstrate its commitment to your privacy, it has agreed to disclose its information practices and notify you of the following:

  1. What information do we collect? The information we collect helps us ensure that our services are best designed to meet your needs. We receive and store any information that you enter on any registration page. Typically these will be registration forms for contests, surveys, or other promotions. If you are giving us information in order to participate in a survey, contest, or other promotion, your participation is completely voluntary and you, therefore, have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. If some information is required and some is optional, we will identify the required information. We collect both contact and other information.
    A. Contact Information
    Contact information consists of the information that we can use to contact you if, for example, you win one of the contests or promotions sponsored by Wishes Corner and/or its affiliates and partners. This consists of your name, your e-mail address, IP address, and possibly your mailing address, telephone, and facsimile number.
    B. Other Information
    Profile data also is collected at our site. Depending on the specific Wishes Corner products for which a user (“User”) registers, various information will be requested. We use this data to tailor the visitor’s experience through our interest-focused e-mails. By obtaining this information, we can provide our Users with specific content that we think they might be interested in, according to their preferences and interests. None of this information is required in order to receive the Wishes Corner service. The User may include only the information he or she feels comfortable including. However, the omission of certain information may limit the value of the experience for the User. As a result, the more information we have about a User, the more valuable the Wishes Corner experience will be for that User.
    C. Under thirteen (13)
    Wishes Corner does not intentionally collect the personal information of children under the age of thirteen (13).

  2. How is User information used? A. Information that you provide
    Wishes Corner does not send unsolicited or “spam” e-mail. We use User information in a number of ways, including:

    • To send personalized, targeted information to the User in the form of e-mail messages and/or direct mail.

    • To send targeted advertising that allows us to provide our service at no or little cost to the Users.

    • To send promotions and coupons based on their interests.

    • To contact Users for feedback and surveys.

    • To monitor and improve its internal operations, as well as to ensure that it properly performs the services requested and bills properly where appropriate.

    • To send Users other information about Wishes Corner and/or its products.

  3. When you register with Wishes Corner, you may receive offers from us or our marketing partners. Our marketing partners may use this information to make offers to you in your areas of interest or other offers. It is solely at your discretion if you choose to provide additional personally identifiable information to a marketer by making a purchase, requesting additional information, or communicating directly with the company or organization after using its website. We may also use outside companies to execute the marketing campaigns on our behalf or on behalf of some of our marketing partners. We will share your e-mail name or other contact information that is necessary for these third parties to provide these services. These third parties are not allowed to use personally identifiable information except for the purposes of providing these services.
    B. Automatic Information (“Cookies”)
    A cookie is a piece of data stored on the User’s hard drive containing information about the User. Usage of a cookie is in no way linked to any personally identifiable information while on wishescorner.com. For instance, by setting a cookie on our site, the User would not have to log in a password more than once, thereby saving time while on our site. If a User rejects the cookie, he or she may still use our site. The only drawback to this is that the User will be limited in some areas of the Wishes Corner Site. For example, the User may not be able to participate in selected Sweepstakes, Contests, or monthly Drawings that take place. Cookies also can enable us to track and target the interests of our Users to enhance their experience on the Wishes Corner Site.
    You can set your browser to not accept cookies. Please be aware that by doing so certain features of the Wishes Corner Site may not work. See your browser’s documentation for more information on accepting cookies.
    Wishes Corner uses cookies to collect and store certain types of information when you interact with us in order to (i) access your account information (stored on our computers) and keep track of your points or credits; and (ii) learn what you like and, hence, to provide a more personalized experience for you. In the future, Wishes Corner may use cookies to enable us or a merchant to track visits to and business at its store and process the items in your shopping basket. Wishes Corner strongly encourages all of its merchants to post their privacy policies on their sites and to adhere to the same high standards as stated herein.
    C. Log Files
    We use IP addresses to analyze trends, administer the site, track Users’ movement, and gather broad demographic information for aggregate use. While we collect standard Apache log files, we do not use them for any purpose other than determining page views. We also collect pages visited within our database through cookies (as discussed above). This data is connected with registration information so we can determine site usage and for marketing research. Except in the case of domain name registrations, IP addresses are not linked to personally identifiable information.

  4. Does Wishes Corner share information it collects? A. Registration Information
    As part of the registration process, we often offer you the option to take advantage of one or more offers from our partners. Those offers are optional and you do not have to sign-up for any offers in order to participate in the main promotional offer (although you may need to check or uncheck certain boxes to do so). If you do choose to sign-up for an offer, we will share information about you with those selected partners from whom you have chosen to receive information. All offers have Terms and Conditions links that we encourage you to read.
    When you register with Wishes Corner, you can elect to sign up with some of our marketing partners so they may contact you with their special offers. Our marketing partners wishing to contact you either give their e-mail message to us and we deliver it to you, or with your prior permission, we provide your contact information to them so they can deliver messages directly to you. It is solely at your discretion if you choose to provide additional personally identifiable information to a marketer by making a purchase, requesting additional information, or communicating directly with the company or organization after using its website. We may share this information with a third-party advertising company in order to market more effectively to you.
    We may employ other companies and individuals to perform functions on our behalf (e.g., outsourced e-mail delivery companies). They have access to the User information to perform their functions, but may not use it for other purposes.
    B. Referral Program
    As part of some of our referral programs, we request contact information (like the name and e-mail address) of visitors’ friends and family whom they think would like to receive a Wishes Corner service. The persons referred to us will receive sample Wishes Corner e-mails, but do not become subscribers until they confirm their interest in the service. Wishes Corner stores this information for the sole purpose of sending emails regarding Wishes Corner services. The person referred also can unsubscribe at any time; see “What Choices Do I Have,” below.
    C. Protection of Wishes Corner and Others
    This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site. Except as otherwise stated in this policy, it is against our policy to provide any customer information to third parties without the customer’s prior permission. As part of our business, however, we also provide links to third-party sites. We encourage all of our merchants to post their privacy policies on their sites and to adhere to the same high standard as is stated here. We, however, disclaim any responsibility for the actions of these third parties. AS A RESULT, WE ENCOURAGE OUR USERS TO READ THE PRIVACY POLICIES OF THESE LINKED SITES, BECAUSE THEIR PRIVACY POLICIES MAY DIFFER FROM OURS.
    D. Links To Other Sites
    We may release User or account information as is necessary to comply with the law; enforce or apply our Terms and Conditions and other agreements; or to protect the rights, property, or safety of Wishes Corner, its subsidiaries, affiliates or partners, our Users, or others. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection.

  5. What Choices do I have? A. Choices In Disclosing Information
    Because we want our Users to feel completely comfortable using the Wishes Corner services, we provide you with various opportunities to control how the information you provide to us will be used by us. We request information from our customers’ registration, as well as via surveys or contests, or other promotions. Your participation in these activities is completely voluntary and you, therefore, have a choice whether or not to disclose this information. Nevertheless, certain basic information is required in order to register as a User. Information requested may include contact information and demographic information. You also may choose whether or not to get e-mails from Wishes Corner or our partners about new features, events, and special opportunities. Every e-mail we send includes instructions for unsubscribing from the service.
    B. Links
    This Web site contains links to other sites. Please be aware that Wishes Corner is not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. We encourage our Users to be aware when they leave our site and to read the privacy statements of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This privacy statement applies solely to information collected by this Web site.
    C. Opt-Out
    Users who no longer wish to receive our e-mail or promotional communications may opt-out of receiving these communications by following the instructions in the e-mail message. Users also can send an e-mail to contact@wishescorner.com.
    D. Correct/Update Personal Information
    If your personally identifiable information changes, or if you no longer desire our service, you may correct, update, or remove the personal data you provided to us by sending an e-mail to contact@wishescorner.com.

  6. How does Wishes Corner protect User information? When you provide us with personally identifiable information, your information is protected both online and offline. We employ encryption and other security measures to protect the loss, misuse, and alteration of the information under our control. Nevertheless, despite our best efforts, we cannot guarantee complete security. “Perfect security” does not exist on the Internet.
    Our employees are trained and required to safeguard User information. Additionally, only employees who need the information to perform a specific job (e.g., customer service representatives) are granted access to personally identifiable information. All employees are kept up-to-date on our security and privacy practices. If you have any questions about the security at our website, you can send an e-mail to contact@wishescorner.com.

  7. How does the Wishes Corner privacy policy affect me? By using the Wishes Corner services and our website, you accept the practices described in this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use Agreement. We may modify this policy at any time, and we will notify you of any material changes by posting the updated policy on our website.

  8. What if I have more questions? If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please send an e-mail to contact@wishescorner.com.


Personal InformationSource(s) of CollectionPurpose for CollectionShared with Third Parties
Identifiers such as a real name, alias, unique personal identifier, online identifier, Internet Protocol address, email address, or other similar identifiersUser Registration
Performance of ServicesCloud Storage Providers
Other third parties only with your consent
Geolocation DataWe do not collect or share this informationWe do not collect or share this informationWe do not collect or share this information
Protected classification characteristics under California or federal law such as gender and date of birthUser Registration
Content PersonalizationCloud Storage Providers
Other third parties only with your consent
Internet or other similar network activity such as browsing history, search history, online behavior, interest data, and interactions with our website, systems, and advertisementsWebsite cookies
Web Beacons
Performance of Services
Activities to maintain quality and safety of Services
Cloud Storage Providers
Other third parties only with your consent
Professional or employment-related informationUser RegistrationContent PersonalizationCloud Storage Providers
Other third parties only with your consent
Education InformationWe do not collect or share this informationWe do not collect or share this informationWe do not collect or share this information
Inferences drawn from any of the information identified in this table to create a profile about a User reflecting such User’s preferences, characteristics, psychological trends, preferences, predispositions, behavior, attitudes, intelligence, abilities, and aptitudesWeb BeaconsPerformance of Services
Activities to maintain quality and safety of Services
Cloud Storage Providers
Other third parties only with your consent